

adjective. No longer in existence; having ended or died out. All these photographed specimens are of individuals belonging to species that no longer exist anywhere on this planet. Due to impacts from our species specifically, these species will never again move, sing, or be part of the greater ecology of their native habitats.


noun. The branch of biology dealing with the form and structure of organisms. As an evolutionary morphologist, I am always amazed at the form and function of the natural world, and in my specific case, birds. Museum specimens allow for a rare opportunity to both take measurements and photographs of the individuals.  


A large component of my gradate work included collecting sample of Lepidoptera. This order contains all butterflies and moths. This gallery is of the latter. These photographs represent species that were included in my research. More importantly, these photographs represent individuals that demonstrate a small fraction of the incredible divert of moths where I conducted research. Look over these photos and grow in appreciation for these marvels that fly in the darkness.