How to Help

Over the years, I have either been able to work with or have come across some incredible organizations whose work focuses on research and the conservation of non-human animals. Some of these organizations like Virunga National Park and Center for Coastal Studies we support financially. If you find yourself at all interested or inspired by my photography, here are some organizations that you can donate to in order to support the conservation of many of the species that I have both been able to work with and photograph. Thanks so much.

Virunga National Park

Virunga National Park is the oldest national park on the whole continent of Africa. It contains more biodiversity than any other park on the planet including more species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish combined within its borders. The flagship species for the park are undoubtedly their endangered Mountain Gorilla population (more than half of the world’s population within the park). Due to continued human conflict including war, political unrest, poaching, and the illegal charcoal trade, this park and its resources are under constant threat. However, the park employs over 200 rangers who, with loaded machine guns, defend the park, its animals and its resources with their very lives. Thus far, over 100 individuals have lost their lives defending this park. Please watch the Netflix special on the park and peruse the website ( and most importantly, consider donating.


Mauna Kea Forest Restoration Project (MKFRP)

While working as an avian researcher in the Hawaiian Islands, I fell in love with the largest mountain on the Big Island, namely Mauna Kea. This dormant volcano is the last refuge for the Palila (Loxioides bailleui), whose numbers are estimated at around two thousand individuals and declining. I published a multi-page article on this species and their current conservation situation in “Birdwatching Magazine” in July/Aug 2018 issue. This organization helps research the Palila and their conservation, as well as help plant native flora and help control the introduced goats that decimate the natural habitat. Overall, a very deserving organization of your donation.


Center for Coastal Studies

Having lived near or on the coast for many year, I have grown a great appreciation for the aquatic mammalian species that I have had the privilege to spend time with and photograph. CCS spends time researching and publishing peer-reviewed material on everything from whales to seal, ocean clean-up efforts and public policy. They are truly an organization that goes beyond the often scientifically-benign position of activism and encourages others to join them in their research efforts.


Pacific Rim Conservation

This organization specializes in researching various avian species among the pacific islands. From forest to pelagic species, this incredible team of researchers has contributed to scientific papers, bird translocations, predator-proof fencing around nesting grounds, and management of threatened/ endangered species. Scientific research is always in need or extra help in the form of funding, so please give this team’s work a look.